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20 Spanish-English False Friends

Actualizado: 19 mar 2020

False friends are words in different languages that sound similar, but have different meanings. Spanish and English share a lot of words with Latin roots which can be confusing.

Here are some of the most common Spanish-English false friends to help you!

Carpeta / Carpet

carpeta = folder alfombra = carpet

Lectura / Lecture

Lectura = reading

conferencia = lecture

Enviar / Envy

enviar = send

envidia = envy

Colegio / College

Colegio = school

universidad = university, collage

Sensible / Sensible

sensible = sensitive razonable = sensible

Embarazada / Embarrassed

embarazada = pregnant avergonzado = embarrassed

Éxito / Exit

éxito = success salida = exit

Empressa / Empress

empressa = company

emperatríz = empress

Sano / Sane

sano = healthy

cuerdo = sane

Ropa / Rope

ropa = clothes cuerda = rope

Realizar / Realize

realizar = carry out, achieve, accomplish darse cuenta = realize

Sopa / Soap

sopa = soup

jabón = soap

Suceso / Success

suceso = event

éxito = success

Librería / Library

librería = bookstore biblioteca = library

Parada / Parade

parada = stop, e.g. bus stop

desfile = parade

Vaso / Vase

Vaso = drinking glass

jarrón = Vase

Fábrica / Fabric

fábrica = factory

fabric = tela

Preocupado / Preoccupied

preocupado = worried ocupado = busy, preoccupied

Introducir / Introduce

introducir = insert presentar = introduce

Molestar / Molest

molestar = disturb, annoy violar = molest

I hope you learned some new Spanish - English false friends. If you can think of anymore please leave them in the comments!

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